The Brick is in need of essential supplies for the people in the community who need our help the most.
Due to the COVID-19 virus, donations to The Brick’s foodbank have dropped and we are calling on the community to help replenish supplies, in any way you can.
The Brick has run out of many basic food supplies and the shelves in our food bank and at the night shelters are now running extremely low. Items needed include longlife and powdered milk, anti-bacterial cleaning supplies, canned meat, fish, canned vegetables, hotdogs, cereals, pasta, bread, sugar, socks and underwear.
Louise Green CEO at The Brick said: “We are fortunate to have an extremely generous community and a great sense of community spirit across our borough and we hope that in these unprecedented times that our community will once again come together to help those in our community facing poverty.
“If anyone can just add one or two items into their shopping basket for The Brick it really would help as we need a supply of basic food items to keep the people in our community who need our help the most fed.
“We are also aware that, should the schools close, that many families will be facing food poverty without the provision of free school meals, so any supplies we can gather now will help families over the coming weeks and months.”
The Brick will collect donations directly from people’s homes, should they be unable to visit the food bank and to adhere to social distancing measures, the collections can be made from the doorstep so no social contact needs to take place.
The Brick’s food bank on Market Street in Wigan is open Monday to Friday from 1pm to 4pm, you can call 01942 236953 to arrange a collection of items from your home or business, and all major supermarkets in Wigan have baskets at the exit to drop off any food items for The Brick.
Please check The Brick’s Facebook and Twitter pages and the website regularly for updates and further information.